Whew, hi all, how's it going??? I've been soo bad at blogging, it's so hard to find time to create and blog about it as well! But alas, I'm here now, I can feel guilt free for at least a little while:) Lately, I've been in Art Journaling heaven!!! As a scrapper, I've always played with mixed media, but never in an Entire little journal
just for me and my ramblings! I've been hanging out on ustream, and have found a wonderful little art community full of inspiration and encouragement! As a matter of fact, I've even streamed a few videos;):)
Here are some pics of my pages, there's still plenty of room for the journaling, that will come.... either with my wine or my coffee:):)
I hope you are all able to make time for creative play in your days! Thanks for stopping by:)
Hugs xx
Perfection Is Overrated Assemblage by Wiola
4 days ago